Monday, July 6, 2009

A New Calling

I have received a new calling. I am keeping my calling on the enrichment committee, but am now also Ward Music Specialist. I will be planning all the music, including special numbers for sacrament meeting, as well as directing the choir.

It's funny how I knew this would happen. Last Sunday I acted as a substitute for the primary chorister. Soon after I arrived at church, the 2nd counselor in the bishopric asked if I could stay after church and meet with him. I had other obligations and told him so, so we arranged to meet on Wednesday evening.

Originally, I figured I was going to be called as primary secretary. The secretary in our ward has sold her house and has to be out in just a couple of weeks, and I figured they were getting her position taken care of right away.

But then, when I got to primary, I was reminded that a new pianist had been called. She already has callings as ward organist, and ward music specialist and the thought occurred to me that she couldn't possibly take on that much. It was then that I knew what my new calling would be.

The 2nd counselor was unable to keep his appointment for Wednesday and we rescheduled for yesterday. I started to laugh when he told me about the calling they were extending to me. I think it made him nervous, thinking I wouldn't accept it because he acted as though he were about to try to talk me into it. But I just told him that I, of course, would do it, and was only laughing because it was amazing to me that I had already known.

It's interesting how the Spirit works. I've been feeling restless for a few months now, regarding my service for the church. I love being able to go to Relief Society, but I have felt that I wanted to be doing more than just planning get-togethers every three months. This new calling is probably the biggest responsibility I've held in the church, and I think it will be a nice fit.

I'm a little nervous thinking about trying to find people to do the special musical numbers each month. I joked with the 2nd counselor and told him that I hope he doesn't mind hearing me sing a lot, if I can't find people, lol. But this is a challenge that I'm looking forward to taking on.

1 comment:

Ruby said...

how funny. I was just called to be primary pianist